Friday, 28 September 2012

How long is a piece of string?

A ball of Plastic string

It is great having a husband who is very practical and good with his hands.  I have learnt so far in my married life of three years that he finds nothing more exciting than fixing things with odd pieces of anything he can find and even better if he has been storing in some out-of-the-way place known as justincase.  I find it amusing but also very handy as I can say things like “make me a door knocker”  (that sounds like a command actually) or “I really need somewhere to store my ….” And he is off and away in pursuit of a solution.

So I was glad to find him some little jobs to do in Sudan.  My mother always said “a man needs a hobby” especially if it is mutually beneficial.

The first task was a washing line.  “Martin I need a washing line”.  This was while we were staying with Tanya and Susannah.  It was perfect.  

We brought the remains of the red ball of plastic string and this is what he has done with it so far.

“I need a washing line.  No make them further apart.  I need more.”

Double washing line

Extra line space needed
It's holding up well
“What do we do about the mosquito net?”
A careful design to avoid tangling the mozzy net with the fan

“We need a toilet roll holder.”
"And a Towel rail."

His and Hers Towel rail
Our home 
 A view of the gardens
My husband is a lovely bloke.


  1. Hilarious and sweet! Looks like you're getting settled in well. Our new place has lots of tile, too, definitely an improvement!

  2. I agree with above commenter. Also, your place looks so cool and refreshing. Who'd know it gets up to 120 degrees, vaime?!
